EMAMIMA boutique and showroom
東京都渋谷区富ヶ谷1-51-12 代々木公園ハウス401
第3 土曜日または日曜日のみ営業
#401 Yoyogikoenhouse 1-51-12,Tomigaya,
Business days : Third Saturday or Sunday (more information on Instagram)
lavoro di mano
神奈川県逗子市逗子7-6-20 zushi small square1F
TEL: 046-876-8307
Via Galleria del Commercio 11,
24030 Almenno San Bartolomeo,BERGAMO
デザイナー中谷麻巳 が見て、触れて、想像して...
The designer, Mami Nakatani, finds inspiration in what she sees, feels, and imagines.
Her jewelry and bags are made through her dialogue with the materials she uses such as metal, leather, wood, or Japanese traditional paper. Her wish is that the stories and poetic expressions in her work will connect the products with people as well as people with other people.